get Devices
Get all devices under a registry
Path Parameters
Registry ID
Subscription ID
Query Parameters
Page Number
The maximum number of devices to return in the response. If this value is zero, the service will select a default size.
The fields of the Device resource to be returned to the response. The fields id and numId are always returned, along with any other fields specified. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields. Example:
A list of device string IDs. For example, ['device0', 'device12']. If empty, this field is ignored. Maximum IDs: 10,000
A list of device numeric IDs. If empty, this field is ignored. Maximum IDs: 10,000.
If set, returns only the gateways with which the specified device is associated. The device ID can be numeric (num_id) or the user-defined string (id). For example, if 456 is specified, returns only the gateways to which the device with num_id 456 is bound.
If set, only devices associated with the specified gateway are returned. The gateway ID can be numeric (num_id) or the user-defined string (id). For example, if 123 is specified, only devices bound to the gateway with num_id 123 are returned
If GATEWAY is specified, only gateways are returned. If NON_GATEWAY is specified, only non-gateway devices are returned. If GATEWAY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED is specified, all devices are returned.
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
property name*
devices object[]
Possible values: >= 3 characters
and <= 256 characters
credentials object[]
publicKey object
Possible values: [RSA_PEM
, ES256_PEM
, RSA_X509_PEM
, ES256_X509_PEM
gatewayConfig object
Possible values: [NON_GATEWAY
lastErrorStatus object
Possible values: [INFO
metadata object
config object
state object
policy object
tcpUdpModelDetails object
image object
tcpDetails object
udpDetails object
Bad Request
error object
Not Found
error object
Internal Server Error